Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test is a fun, 100-question quiz that gauges life experiences and assigns a “purity” score. Originally from Rice University, it has since become a viral trend, especially during orientation week (O-Week). The test encourages self-reflection and peer bonding, measuring life experiences from innocent to more adventurous activities.

Rice Purity Test

Rice Purity Test

Curious about the Rice Purity Test you’ve seen all over social media? You’re not alone! This quirky, 100-question quiz has captured the imagination of college students everywhere. Originally developed at Rice University, the test is a fun way to compare life experiences with friends. But what does your score actually mean, and why has it become so popular?

What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test began as a fun icebreaker for new students at Rice University in Texas. The quiz is designed to help students compare life experiences and build connections.

Rice Purity test

Origin of the Rice Purity Test

The test was first developed during O-Week to encourage bonding among students. Over time, it became a tradition, and social media helped spread it beyond college campuses.

Evolution into a Global Phenomenon

Platforms like TikTok and meme culture have amplified the test’s reach, turning it into a global sensation.

The rice purity tester

How Does The Rice Purity Test Work?

To take the test, you answer 100 yes-or-no questions about various life experiences. At the end, you receive a score between 0 and 100, with 0 being the least “pure” and 100 being the most.

The 100 Questions Breakdown

Series of 100 Questions, from lighthearted experiences to more extreme situations. For example:

  • Mild experiences: “Held hands romantically?”
  • More adventurous activities: “Used marijuana?” or “Had a one-night stand?”

Some questions are lighthearted, while others explore more serious life events. The final score reflects the sum of experiences, but remember—the test is all for fun.

What Does Your Rice Purity Score Mean?

Your score gives insight into your experiences, but it’s not a moral judgment. Here’s a breakdown:

Rice Purity Score Meaning % of Boys % of Girls
100% You’re maybe the most innocent person on this planet. 0.75% 0.82%
95% – 99% You are so pure. It seems that you’re quite new to the world. 8.32% 9.79%
90% – 94% You are pure. Just like most people who take this test. 9.19% 9.52%
70% – 89% You have probably checked off some moderately crazy things. 26.37% 28.94%
50% – 69% You are a bad girl/boy. You enjoy all the adult stuff. 25.74% 26.72%
20% – 49% You are not pure and below the average. You are addicted to adult stuff. 18.58% 15.61%
10% – 19% You are evil and far behind the average. You may have already committed a crime. 4.79% 3.19%
1% – 9% You are so evil that nobody around you could score lower than you. 5.71% 4.89%
0% Nobody on this planet could be more corrupted than you are. 0.55% 0.52%

Peer Pressure vs. Self-Reflection

It’s crucial to remember that the test is for fun. Don’t let peer pressure affect how you interpret your score.

What is a Good Score on the Rice Purity Test?

A score between 85 and 91 is generally considered good, particularly for individuals under 25. This range suggests a balanced mix of experiences while retaining a sense of youthful innocence. However, it’s essential to remember that the test is meant for entertainment and self-reflection, not as a definitive judgment of one’s character.

Average Rice Purity Score Statistics

According to official statistics, the average score of the Rice Purity Test is 61.46, based on data from 124,952 test-takers. Among these, there were 2,719 perfect scores of 100 and 336 perfect scores of 0. These statistics highlight the diverse range of experiences people have, emphasizing that every individual’s journey is unique.

Want to know how your score stacks up against others? Here are some trends based on demographic data:

Rice Purity Score by Age and Gender

Our data shows interesting trends across different age groups and genders:

Age/Gender GroupAverage Score
18 ~ 24 F89.24
18 ~ 24 M87.36
25 ~ 34 F79.68
25 ~ 34 M74.05
35 ~ 44 F71.11
35 ~ 44 M71.03
45 ~ 54 F67.19
45 ~ 54 M62.83
55 ~ 64 F66.22
55 ~ 64 M61.12
65+ F65.39
65+ M58.33

Younger participants, like high school students, tend to have higher purity scores, while college seniors or older adults may have lower scores as they’ve had more time to experience life’s many adventures.

Average Rice Purity score by Country

Country % of Visitors Avg. Score
South Africa0.5759.2
New Zealand0.7463.3
United States54.2163.9
United Kingdom18.6965.7

Rice Purity Score by Continent

Analyzing the average scores by continent provides more insights:

ContinentAverage Score
North America62
South America58
Antarctica65 (estimated)

Cultural factors can play a role in how people answer the questions. For example, participants from more conservative regions may have higher average scores than those from places with more liberal social norms.

Why Do People Take the Rice Purity Test?

You might be wondering—why is the Rice Purity Test so popular, particularly among college students? The test’s charm lies in its simplicity and the playful way it invites self-reflection. Let’s explore some key reasons why people are drawn to it.

Fun and Innocent Curiosity

For many, the Rice Purity Test is all about curiosity. It's a lighthearted way to reflect on personal experiences, offering a mix of nostalgia and humor. Whether you’re taking it solo for some self-reflection or using it to spark conversations with friends, the test provides a fun opportunity to think about the life you’ve lived so far.

The Rice Purity Test is popular because it allows people to reflect on their personal experiences in a playful and lighthearted way, often sparking fun conversations among friends.

Peer Comparisons

One of the biggest draws of the Rice Purity Test is the social element. Comparing scores with friends can lead to hilarious or thought-provoking conversations. In college settings, it’s a great icebreaker that helps people bond over shared experiences, whether it’s discussing funny moments, unexpected life choices, or reflecting on how different everyone’s journeys have been. These peer comparisons often spark deeper discussions about college life, personal decisions, and societal norms.

  • Why it works: The test gives a structured yet informal way to talk about experiences that might not come up otherwise.
  • Social connection: It’s not just about the score; it’s about how those numbers spark memories and create connections.

Personality Insights

While the Rice Purity Test isn’t a scientific personality quiz, many people find that their score reflects aspects of their personality or lifestyle in a playful way. A higher score might suggest that someone is more reserved or cautious, while a lower score could indicate they’ve had more adventurous experiences. Though the test doesn’t define your character, it’s a fun way for people to see how their choices might shape certain aspects of their identity.

  • Self-reflection: For some, the test offers an opportunity to reflect on how past choices align with their current values and behaviors.
  • A playful lens: People often enjoy using the score as a loose indicator of their lifestyle without taking it too seriously.

Is the Rice Purity Test Accurate?

The Rice Purity Test has gained popularity as a fun way to reflect on life experiences, but how accurate is it? While entertaining, it’s important to understand the limitations of the test. Let’s dive into why the Rice Purity Test is not a definitive tool for measuring "purity."

Lighthearted vs. Serious

The Rice Purity Test has gained popularity as a fun way to reflect on life experiences, but how accurate is it? While entertaining, it’s important to understand the limitations of the test. Let’s dive into why the Rice Purity Test is not a definitive tool for measuring "purity."

  • Why it’s not scientific: There’s no objective way to measure “purity” or “innocence” based on a quiz, especially when it’s self-reported.
  • Take it lightly: The test is supposed to be enjoyable, so don’t take your score too seriously—it’s more about curiosity than self-evaluation.

Self-Reflection vs. Judgment

One common misconception about the Rice Purity Test is that it acts as a moral compass, but that’s far from true. Your score shouldn’t be seen as a judgment of your life choices or character. Instead, think of it as a tool for self-reflection or as a fun way to compare your experiences with friends. Whether your score is high or low, it’s simply a reflection of your unique journey and nothing more.

  • Self-reflection: If anything, use the test as a way to think about how your past experiences have shaped who you are today.
  • Avoid judgment: There’s no “right” score, so don’t let it dictate how you feel about yourself or others.

Can You Cheat the Rice Purity Test?

You might wonder—since the Rice Purity Test is self-reported, what’s stopping someone from bending the truth? While you can cheat, the real question is, does it even matter?

Peer Pressure to Appear “Pure”

When taking the Rice Purity Test in a group setting, it’s common to feel pressure to present yourself in a certain light. Some people might alter their answers to appear more "pure" or "innocent" in front of their peers. But remember, the point of the test is personal reflection, not a competition.

Although you might feel pressured to adjust your answers to fit in with peers, the Rice Purity Test is meant to be an honest reflection of your experiences, not a social judgment tool.

Honesty vs. Fun

At its core, the Rice Purity Test is meant for entertainment. Sure, you can tweak your answers to score higher or lower, but what’s the point? It’s not about achieving a perfect score—it’s about having fun and reflecting on your personal journey. If you're not honest with yourself, you're really just missing out on the fun.

  • Why honesty matters: Altering your answers might give you a score that impresses others, but it won’t genuinely reflect your life experiences.
  • Balancing fun with truth: The test is all about balance—while it’s fun and light-hearted, being honest will help you get the most out of it.

What Happens if You Cheat?

In reality, cheating on the Rice Purity Test doesn’t have any consequences. It’s not like anyone’s keeping track! However, if you’re altering your answers to fit a certain image, you’re missing the point of the test. It’s designed to be a self-reflective, fun way to think about your life, so whether you score a 10 or a 90, the results are only meaningful if they’re truthful.

Common Misconceptions About the Rice Purity Test

If you're new to the Rice Purity Test, you've likely come across a few myths or misunderstandings. Let’s clear those up so you can better understand the test’s true purpose.

It’s Just for Fun

The Rice Purity Test isn’t a serious evaluation of your personality, values, or life choices. Think of it like a light-hearted quiz—similar to the ones you might find on social media. It’s meant to be entertaining and reflective, not something to stress over. Your score is more about reflecting your past experiences rather than defining who you are.

Not a Judgment Tool

One of the biggest misconceptions is that your score on the Rice Purity Test determines something about your worth or morality. This simply isn’t true. Scoring high (around 98) might mean you’ve had fewer “wild” experiences, while a low score (like 15) indicates a more adventurous past. But it’s all relative and personal! Neither extreme reflects something inherently "good" or "bad" about you—it’s just a number.

How to Interpret Your Rice Purity Score

So, you've taken the Rice Purity Test, and now you're staring at a number. What does it mean? Let’s break it down.

What’s a “Good” Score?

First off, there's no such thing as a “good” or “bad” score. Your score is a reflection of your own unique life experiences. Whether you scored a 90, indicating you’ve led a relatively “pure” life, or a 30, showing you’ve had more diverse experiences, it’s all about your personal journey. The score is meant to be fun and light-hearted, not a moral judgment.

  • Score 85-100: This range typically reflects someone who has had fewer risky or wild experiences, and that’s perfectly fine! You might be more cautious or haven’t explored certain aspects of life yet.
  • Score 50-84: A middle-ground score usually means you've had a balance of both adventurous and safe experiences. Many people land here, and it’s a mix of curiosity and caution.
  • Score 0-49: Scoring in this range indicates you’ve been open to a wide array of life experiences, which could mean you’ve embraced life’s challenges and adventures head-on. Again, nothing wrong with that—it’s just your personal story.

What to Do After Taking the Test

Once you’ve got your score, what’s next? Well, the Rice Purity Test is more about self-reflection than anything else. Here are a few ideas on how you can use it:

  • Start a fun conversation: Share your score with friends to see how you compare. It’s a great icebreaker and might spark some interesting discussions!
  • Reflect on your life experiences: Use your score as a way to think about the experiences that have shaped who you are today. Have you been more cautious, or have you lived life on the wild side?
  • Plan new experiences: If your score has you curious about trying new things, maybe now’s the time to create a bucket list of things you want to experience. It could be a great way to push your boundaries in a healthy way.

Remember, the Rice Purity Test is meant to be fun, not something to take too seriously. Whether you scored high or low, it's all about embracing your unique journey!

What Makes Our Rice Purity Test Special?

Designed in late 2020 and launched on Feb 2021, our Rice Purity Tester predates most other online versions. We regularly update our content, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Unique features include:

  • Interesting Stats: View engaging statistics for each question during the test.
  • Anonymous Data Collection: Our data is collected anonymously via Google Analytics.
  • Insightful Statistics: We provide comprehensive statistical data about the Rice Purity Test.
  • Modern Adaptation: Our test includes updates to make it compatible with today's lives, serving both as a purity and an innocence test.


Taking the Rice Purity Test is a fun and reflective activity that allows you to compare your experiences with others in a lighthearted way. Whether you score high or low, remember that it's not about judgment but about understanding and sharing life experiences.


1. What is the purpose of the Rice Test? The Purity Test is designed to foster camaraderie and self-reflection by allowing participants to compare their life experiences in a fun and non-judgmental way.

2. How often is the Rice Purity Tester updated? We regularly update our test to ensure the content remains relevant and accurate. Our last major update was in 2024, where we enhanced the interface and added new questions.

3. Can anyone take Test? Yes, anyone can take the Purity Test. However, we recommend it for individuals aged 18 and older.

5. How is the data for the Purity Test collected? Data is collected anonymously through Google Analytics, ensuring participant privacy and providing valuable insights into trends and averages.

6. How many Questons are in rice test?
The Rice Purity Test consists of 100 questions, designed to assess a wide range of life experiences and personal activities.

7. How does the Rice Purity Test Work?
The Rice Purity Test asks 100 questions about various life experiences. Each "Yes" answer reduces your score from 100, with a higher final score indicating greater innocence.

8. Is the Rice Purity Test Anonymous?
Yes! The test is private, and there’s no official way for anyone to track your results unless you choose to share them.

9. How Often Should You Take the Test?
Some people retake the test multiple times to see how their score changes as they experience new things. There’s no set rule—do what feels right for you.

10. Can the Test Be Offensive?
While the test is meant to be lighthearted, some questions might touch on sensitive topics. If you find certain questions uncomfortable, remember you can always skip them or not take the test at all.